AQSA Meher Wholesale 60 60 Cambric Pakistani Style Print With Work Dress Material
Call Now For Order: +91-7405434651 , +91-8460192326
Name - AQSA
Top - 60*60 camrick pakistani style PRINT with embroidery
Bottom - SOFT COTTON (2.80 MTR APPX.)
Duppatta - mal voil print
Rate - 795/-
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AQSA Fashion Forever Manufacturing Trendy Look Dress, Embroidered Dress, Sharara Dress, Festive Dress, Casual Long Dress, Straight Long Dress, Cotton Satin Dress.
AQSA Fashion Forever Manufacturing Trendy Look Dress, Embroidered Dress, Sharara Dress, Festive Dress, Casual Long Dress, Straight Long Dress, Cotton Satin Dress.