Siyoni Sawarang Vol-3 Wholesale Heavy Royal Silk With Embroidery Dress Material
Call Now For Order: +91-7405434651 , +91-8460192326
*Siyoni Designer *
*Sawrang *

Top - Have Royal Silk With Embroidery & Additional work
Duptta - Pure Maslin digital print with foil duptta
Bottam - Have jam satin Cottan dyed

*Rate-: 945/=*
Per pcs
Set to set
* Special pouch packing*
Siyoni Designer
Siyoni Designer Manufacturing Ethnic Wear 4 Colour Matching Dress, Cambric Cotton Dress, Cotton Satin Dress, Cotton Work Dress, Karachi Print Dress.
Siyoni Designer Manufacturing Ethnic Wear 4 Colour Matching Dress, Cambric Cotton Dress, Cotton Satin Dress, Cotton Work Dress, Karachi Print Dress.