Al Karam Adans Libas Vol-2 Wholesale Soft Cotton With Patch Work Dress Material
Call Now For Order: +91-7405434651 , +91-8460192326
Top:- Heavy Soft Cotton Print With Exclusive Embroidery 2 Patch Work | Cut:- 2.50 Mtrs
Bottom:- Soft Cotton Printed | Cut:- 2.00 Mtrs
Dupatta:- Cotton Dupatta Printed | Cut:- 2.25 Mtrs
Bottom:- Soft Cotton Printed | Cut:- 2.00 Mtrs
Dupatta:- Cotton Dupatta Printed | Cut:- 2.25 Mtrs
Al Karam
Al Karam Present Karachi And Pure Lawn Fabrics Embroidery Work And Fancy Print Dress Material Catalog.
Al Karam Present Karachi And Pure Lawn Fabrics Embroidery Work And Fancy Print Dress Material Catalog.